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Shoot From the Hip A Change of Pace текст и слова песни


Тексты песен / A Change of Pace / Shoot From the Hip
Shoot From the Hip - A Change of Pace (Искали песню 421 раз)
picture perfect turned to worthless
bittersweet the taste is like ash in my mouth
love we had it you're a bad habit
I'm ready to give you up i give up

silly me for thinking honesty is something given free
i make the rules and this is how it ends

heartbreak baby is half the fun
you bring the bullets i'll bring the guns
take ten steps now turn and draw
i shoot from the hip then watch you fall

heartbreak baby is half the fun
you bring the bullets i'll bring the guns
take ten steps now turn and draw
i shoot from the hip then watch you fall

scenes of passion never lasted
your mistakes are too much to put behind
i am tired with no desire
to put together things that just fall apart

silly me for thinking honesty is something given free
i make the rules and this is how it ends

heartbreak baby is half the fun
you bring the bullets i'll bring the guns
take ten steps now turn and draw
i shoot from the hip then watch you fall

heartbreak baby is half the fun
you bring the bullets i'll bring the guns
take ten steps now turn and draw
i shoot from the hip then watch you fall

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