Blackout Warhead текст и слова песни
Blackout - Warhead (Искали песню 1577 раз)
(music, lyrics and arrangement by eilen)
... on the backseat of a squad-car he realizes for the first time what he
has done and wonders about his bleak future. He's aware of his guilt and
tries to justify himself with a blackout ...
Oh let me wake up quickly, let me get outta here
And wash away the guilt, the blood-stains on my shirt Oh my god what have
I done?
Why did I use this fuckin' gun?
Why did I shoot and kill a man? and a woman, too?
Now here I sit on the back-seat of a squad car
What's gonna happen now? I won't say a word to any of these bastards
They won't make me bow I didn't want to kill these people I didn't want to
This was never my intention
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