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Тексты песен / Waltari / To Give
To Give - Waltari (Искали песню 1544 раза)
Are you in now?

Are you in now babe?

Hello from nowhere

Hello you backwards

It seems to be realy cold out there

Better keep a long distance

Nice to meet you, funny guy, you

look so sad, moving around and


Clap your hands, clap your feet,

make your way through blindfolded

Every night, every day, where your

head goes it's the wrong way

Step ahead, step behind

everywhere, all the same kind

Isolation seems to be what you


You were trying, but now the beast

is in your head

I see the Wall Street

I see high buildings

Too much to take, too little to give

Strange, you're still aiming to the

couds, anyway!

Isolation is the state we'll keep you in

Still we're worrying, worrying 'bout

your head spinnin'

See me fying, I would have so

much to give

But you're lazy, you just need more

things for living


Beat it, leave it, baby, beat it

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