« Prepare the Masses » A Change of Pace - текст песни

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Prepare the Masses A Change of Pace текст и слова песни


Тексты песен / A Change of Pace / Prepare the Masses
Prepare the Masses - A Change of Pace (Искали песню 446 раз)
prepare the masses cause this means war
and if it's a fight they want, we'll bring the hell they're looking for
with bullets blazing, the coward hits the floor
stand up and fight like men, let god decide who scores

now sit back and watch the story unfold
with the fair juliet and her romeo
two young lovers with one heartbeat
in a devoted grave is where they'll sleep
they had the passion in a city of hate
watching too many squabble, though these lovers came
you are the ones who took your children's lives
so you're children have died in love's true odds odds

sing me to sleep tonight, sweet juliet
two star-crossed lovers married looking for regrets
by daybreak I'll be gone and looking for your kiss
lend me a drop of poison waiting on your lips

in every war there will be casualities
even family members and best friends bleed
another tally on the body count
so how many more until we're all bled out?
let's not forget about this day of abode
play the story I just told to us
nothing precious but we're giving away
for a field of beauty and better days days

sing me to sleep tonight, sweet juliet
two star-crossed lovers married looking for regrets
by daybreak I'll be gone and looking for your kiss
lend me a drop of poison waiting on your lips

I'm killing cousins, revenge I seek
in fair verona I will lay him down, down to sleep
in desperation, poison becomes
this story's ending in a tomb of lover's jaws jaws

sing me to sleep tonight, sweet juliet
two star-crossed lovers married looking for regrets
by daybreak I'll be gone and looking for your kiss
lend me a drop of poison waiting on your lips

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