« The Reign Of Asmat » Sadist - текст песни

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The Reign Of Asmat Sadist текст и слова песни


Тексты песен / Sadist / The Reign Of Asmat
The Reign Of Asmat - Sadist (Искали песню 127 раз)
Hundreds of dug trees

Flowing down this channel

Thousands of painted bodies

Screams in rhythm of paddles

And grim drums

You recognize me

From my adorned nose

Fella's bone

Dwellers of our black reign

Slimy swamp

Wrapped up in a thick fog

My reign, the reign of asmat!

My reign where death gives life

There's magic in cutting you

Into little pieces

Magic in dancing

With your head right here

All around a hundred meters

Tall "bis"

I remember the last great feast

I remember the white gift from the mist ...To "otjanep"

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