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Dreamdeath Sacramentum текст и слова песни


Тексты песен / Sacramentum / Dreamdeath
Dreamdeath - Sacramentum (Искали песню 140 раз)
Music:Rudolfsson, Brolycke Lyrics:Karlйn

I was carried by a hot wind, which filled me with power.

The power of hatred, and a infernal burning mind of death.

Blackened dreams are controlling me.

Iґm searching for their rightful meaning.

Tomorrow nothing will remain but frozen images from my past.

Sleeping... dreaming...ruling...

But these are dreams, things in mind, reveries that thou shalt find.

Blackened stars of a dying sky, is falling with me.

Tormented by lifeґs melancholy, eaten by a vast nothingness.

I am alone, I sink and I rise,

my dreams have created an everlasting death.

Sleep to escape, dream to satisfy. Die to please, dreamdeath.

Sleeping... dreaming... ruling...

But these are dreams,

things in mind,

reveries that thou shalt find.

Blackened stars of a dying sky, is falling with me.

Tormented by lifeґs melancholy, eaten by a vast nothingness.

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