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I For An Eye Sabbat текст и слова песни


Тексты песен / Sabbat / I For An Eye
I For An Eye - Sabbat (Искали песню 122 раза)

This tale I tell that all may see,

behind God's truth lurks treachery.


'Mine is the right to glory and light,

and you shall have heartache and pain,

yours must be Hell -

for in Heaven I'll dwell,

I care not for that earthly domain.'


'For crimes against divinity -

the loneliness of purgatory,

your kingdom rule - Humanity,

Mankind shall be your Hell.'


'Why have you done this to me -

tell me what is my crime,

I'm tried and convicted -

guilty the fate that is mine.

You say I'm a Devil -

then by Hell the Devil I'll be.'


'As aeons passed without cessation -

brewing hatred from damnation,

in darkness Satan waited -

laughed as God the Earth created,

and man in his own image made -

unaware that plans were laid,

'till from the dark eternal night -

a serpent crawled into the light.

And so from darkness a rage without measure -

burst spreading the cancer 'cross Eden,

corrupting and tempting and never relenting,

abusing man's newly found freedom.'


'Out of the abyss I come the avenger

shapeless and faceless - Yet I have a name,

I shall tighten my grip on your now flawed creation,

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