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Utopia Consumed Abigor текст и слова песни


Тексты песен / Abigor / Utopia Consumed
Utopia Consumed - Abigor (Искали песню 265 раз)
Forgive me father for I've sinned

I am a child of fire and the master of winds

But I'm still wide awake...

Fingers grip out of my brain

No control - my mind is lame

From the earth up to the trees I hear them calling me

The voices which rides on the breeze

Oh, its haunting me - in expectancy for your flesh

But this dream life is the only life -

An everlasting astral dimension

The dream death is the only death -

Total destruction of the soul

Within this astral plane Ill never be the same

Throwing myself at the sky while falling back to the ground

I'm off the earth but no one can hear my painful sound

I open the doors to the other side and step beyond mortality

Trapped in rage - it bursts my veins so feel the pain

I breathe your name

It isn't just a nightscape vision painted in blood

Utopia Consumed!

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