« The Spirit Of Venus » Abigor - текст песни

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The Spirit Of Venus Abigor текст и слова песни


Тексты песен / Abigor / The Spirit Of Venus
The Spirit Of Venus - Abigor (Искали песню 228 раз)
Unreal revealed this imagination

A dream so real, a dream so deep

Turning me towards all mysteries

I see through the veil of darkness

And the mirror behind it reflects my fate

But the way is blocked - by sorrow

I scream into non-existing nothingness

And at last only silence remains

Oh, make every tear in my heart a lifetime in hell

falling eternal through the pits of time

Into an abysmal womb of subconciousness

Torn apart by the phenomenon of enlightenment

And here she was standing , enrobed by mist

The spirit of Venus

Chanting my name - embracing my soul

The blood was freezing as I touched the flesh and ripped out her heart

A kiss which brought total eclipse

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