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Freak Out 311 текст и слова песни


Тексты песен / 311 / Freak Out
Freak Out - 311 (Искали песню 323 раза)
Let the games begin if you wanna fuck with me

You can't disturb the course of P & C & T & D & me

I'm on a mission

To set straight

The vice, the curse, the date, the gate relate

to this. I insist B it's weak to dis see I'm runna up so suckers stick to your 40

How could I give a damn, give a damn if you approve what it's about. I just freak out

Just guess ya'll c'mon come back slipped outta whack as the master. Laid out the music

Death I just say fuck you, the void unknown we're thrown through while lost in life's psychedelic trip we take

There's another more bizarre we have to make

world we have nowhere beyond

Take out the earth the bass is gone

At life's end we'll feel the calm

How strange we should be here at all


If you don't have someone to do it with it's not worth doin'

To all my friends, it's not the end the earth has not swallowed me yet

Into whose womb were you woven what kin of your skin dropped you then

Bodies cloven

Light of daybreak blinded next exit

The wild darkness forming inside it

My day wasn't promised me each death it brings reminding me we

Are rumbling through this cursed universe where death is birth

Think not but what your manifest is worth

Giving up a verse the curse occurs a thirst

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