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Тексты песен / Abc / Jeal
Jeal - Abc (Искали песню 514 раз)
To all of those who had their doubts
Now those doubts I forgive them
To everyone who's led one life
Then love life it's humble rhythm
To all of those who harbour dreams
All you get is what you're given

Meanwhile the maximum maximum goes down

Right from the start
I knew you'd break my heart
Jealous lover jealous lover

Rope tied and bound
I been lost and found
Jealous lover jealous lover

Jealous of my loving
Jealous of my leavingjealous
Jealous of my living
Jealous of my breathing
Jealous lover jealous lover

If all they say and do were true
Just like you I'd be with 'em
But lies survive and cut right through
While the truth remains forbidden
For every single point of view
Then there's two that must be hidden
Meantime the maximum maximum goes down

Right from the start
I knew you'd break my heart
Jealous lover jealous lover

Rope tied and bound
I been lost and found
Jealous lover jealous lover

Jealous of my loving
Jealous of my leavingjealous
Jealous of my living
Jealous of my breathing
Jealous lover there's no other

Meantime - the maximum maximum
Nothing more and nothing less
Grip tight - the maximum the maximum
You say no I say yes
Don't be don't be don't be
Jealous lover - jealous lover

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