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Premonition Symphony X текст и слова песни


Тексты песен / Symphony X / Premonition
Premonition - Symphony X (Искали песню 252 раза)
(5:38)(Music: Romeo, Pinnela, Miller, Rullo and Tyler)

Unlock the doors of silence

scanning eyes turn into stone

pours the wine of hate and enmity

Helpless minds dance in circles

forever frozen within time

then stare into unlit serenity

Endless dreams are all encased in disarray

Through the eyes of time - I see

all the love and tragedy

the breath of fate surrounds me

and bring me to my kness

Through the eyes of time - I see

peace and false tranquility

although my scars - they do

run deep - right here I'll be

Blind visions summond me

return under blackened skies

scorned and scathed by the spirit's song

A shadow forbears warning

reveals a rhyme, then descends

and falls into the black endless sea

Endless dreams are all encased in disarray

Through the eyes of time - I see

all the love and tragedy

the breath of fate surrounds me

and bring me to my kness

Through the eyes of time - I see

peace and false tranquility

although my scars - they do

run deep - right here I'll be

Our inner strenghts will fill our needs

and heal the hearts that still bleed


Through the eyes of time - I see

all the love and tragedy

the breath of fate surrounds me

and bring me to my kness

Through the eyes of time - I see

peace and false tranquility

although my scars - they do

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