« The Ninth Wave » Sadist - текст песни

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The Ninth Wave Sadist текст и слова песни


Тексты песен / Sadist / The Ninth Wave
The Ninth Wave - Sadist (Искали песню 100 раз)
A dream, she was beautiful

She was the most beautiful

She should be the one

She was true, she wife of my king

She who got in me, like this

And my madness is not smaller

Than her beauty

I don't run away after having her

No fear, she was mine

The dream was mine

'Cos noone understood

The judge of blind servants

She was mine

See all around me

Can you understand me?

Speaking beyond the ninth wave

I'll be back

And take what's due to me

Beyond the ninth wave

I know the truth


The judge of blind servants

I'm mad and exiled

In unknown waters

I knife and a wooden coffin

A drift in a black water's sea

She mine. I'll be back

For the end of everything

Thirst and darkness

Screams like an endless echo in

My mind

Hunger and a burning sun

Inside my brain

I'll be back

She's the one

From beyond the border

Of a known world

I'm not to blame

She was starting

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