« As The World Burns » Sacrifice - текст песни

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As The World Burns Sacrifice текст и слова песни


Тексты песен / Sacrifice / As The World Burns
As The World Burns - Sacrifice (Искали песню 111 раз)
Extermination of our planet's fertility

The world in danger, no one will realize

We go forward to termination, endless compromise


With no concern

The sun destroys

As the world burns

Disintegration of the ozon layer,

Worldly cremation, lethal burning rays


With no concern

The sun destroys

As the world burns

All wars will be forgotten

When the sun will scorch the earth

The effects on humanity will not allow rebirth

Skin cancer lake a plague

Too late to turn back

The green world once ours

Has now turned black

All wars will be forgotten

With global warming trends

The flooding of the coasts

Bring us close to an end

The earth becoming deserts

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