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Horned Is The Hunter Sabbat текст и слова песни


Тексты песен / Sabbat / Horned Is The Hunter
Horned Is The Hunter - Sabbat (Искали песню 97 раз)
Alone he sits -

a vanquished Lord upon an oaken throne,

presiding o'er this conflict

that chills him to the bone,

for each tarnished blade that festers

is a thorn thrust in his side,

and His pain alone bears witness

to the folly of mankind.

What hope for a king with no kingdom to rule?

now his children desert him -

regard him a fool,

and are bonded to progress -

the plough and the scythe -

that lay waste and leave barren

what beauty survives

though legends of power and glory suffice -

for these 'latter-day-heroes'

who live out their lives,

chained by conformity shackled by greed -

and told to belive they don't want to be freed.

The enemy within us -

is well armed to spoil and rape,

and this mighty heart grows weaker with

each liberty they take,

so come ye from the shadows

do not tremble 'neath your beds,

at the mention of his name -

hold high your weary heads.

For in each delve and greenwood,

far wiser creatures play,

and in their veins and sinews,

live the Gods of yesterday.

Both wicked and lustful

this God's horny might,

He plays hide and seek

with the shadows of the night,

enthroned in high mountains -

nobility crowned with the wisdom of ages -

the forest his gown,

so nimble the fingers that pipe out the tune,

simple and pure is the song of the moon -

that echoes each evening the ritual performed,

a lament for a God to a Devil transformed.

Are there men among us

prepared to face the fight

who'll stand by their convictions

'gainst overwhelming might,

so do not hide like cowards

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