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The Relic Symphony X текст и слова песни


Тексты песен / Symphony X / The Relic
The Relic - Symphony X (Искали песню 245 раз)
(5:03)(Music: Romeo, Pinnela, Miller/Lyrics: Allen, Miller)

Silver cross in ancient halls, deep inside the castle walls

Bound to sleep, forever locked in chains

Evil carved into the stone, ancient words they've never known

A serpent's silent shroud still remains

Come with me and I'll make all your wishes come true

Lifting the chains of oppression from you

Wiping away the lines carved in your face

Take the Relic from this place...

Carry on, into the horizon, wielding courage, staff in hand

Journey on, through shadows and dreams, and what lies beyond the guardian's keep

Prey and siege in voiceless woe, who's dust was scattered long ago

Awaken from this dark and endless sleep

Man's desires-now mortal wounds, believing tales and shallow truths

Hardened hearts now tremble in the keep

Trust in me and I'll lay all your nightmares to waste

Take the Relic from this place

Carry on, into the horizon, wielding courage, staff in hand

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