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Out Of The Ashes Symphony X текст и слова песни


Тексты песен / Symphony X / Out Of The Ashes
Out Of The Ashes - Symphony X (Искали песню 256 раз)
(3:39)(Music: Romeo, Pinnella, Miller/Lyrics: Allen)

In the house of my master

Beyond the chains there is a bed

of snakes where evil lays

Oh, I hear laughter

I forged the iron bars that

someday will imprison me

Ooh, mother will you help me

Mother will you help me

To find a reason to go on


Out of the ashes of my youth

- I rise a man

And through the eyes of truth

- I finally understand

The way

I've been beaten with his words

and whipped whith his lies

He will not break me down no

matter how hard he tries

Pray for my lost soul

Out of control the storm inside

me rages on and on and on

Mother will you help me

Mother will you help me

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