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Candlelight Fantasia Symphony X текст и слова песни


Тексты песен / Symphony X / Candlelight Fantasia
Candlelight Fantasia - Symphony X (Искали песню 273 раза)
(6:45)(Music: Romeo, Pinnela/Lyrics: Miller)

Just one more night

One more score

Another question in my mind,

can't take no more

Kissing the tears form my face as

they fall

To the ground in silence

in twilight and faded time

Spirits cold, with no love

Bells ring a lonely chime

Candle fires

These lit dreams can't burn alone

Winds of change bring songs

upon my memory

An empty heart and soul

intoxicates me

This darkened page orchestrates

my final destiny

Not knowing what,

what tomorrow will bring


From within the mirrors eyes

I'm forced to run away and hide

I feel those mystic eyes subside

And leave my blind

Through passages in time

A prisoner locked beind the door

Lonely roses slowly wither and die

I can't escape this captive misery

Heart stone cold, under supremacy

Thrown into a raging sea of tyranny

Lifes vile walls have tangled me in threads

Eternally caught in my futures threads

Play the violent strings of my symphony


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