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Celtic Funk Waltari текст и слова песни


Тексты песен / Waltari / Celtic Funk
Celtic Funk - Waltari (Искали песню 328 раз)
Here comes Good Ol'Satan

Watchout! Noise lunatics are in


No chance to escape anywhere 'coz

they're all the time around!

They kill your deepest dreams

Of possible peace and harmony

They penetrate in every mind,

there's no way to rest in peace

They shake good vibes on


They shake good vibes on


Take care of yourself or otherwise

you'll be bitten in the end

Lock yourself in your house

Hide yourself under a blanket

Try to think of something nice 'coz

this disaster's spreading all over the





Hi you scared face, here's to you,

it's big lush case

They kill your peace in every

single town

They kill your peace in every

single town

You can't be convincing anymore

They just laugh while pushing you

to the real depression

Skins don't like it, politicians hate it

Music professionals lose their faith

Everybody's watching each other:

is this the end of the world?


Hi-ho music man, here's to you,

it's an anti-band!


Don't need your "mega-tips" for a

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